Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Crimes of Donald Trump

It is no secret that Donald Trump is a criminal. He has been convicted of crimes in the past and has been sued numerous times for civil violations. In just the past few years, there have been several instances in which Trump has committed crimes that, if you or I had done them, we would have been convicted and most likely gone to jail. So why is this being slow-walked by the justice department? Is it because we still have way too many people in it that still support trump? The Crimes of Donald Trump Crimes Since 2015, Donald Trump has been convicted of federal crimes three times. In 2016, he was convicted of tax fraud. In 2017, he was convicted of obstruction of justice. And in 2018, he was convicted of campaign finance violations. If you or I had committed even one of these crimes, we would have been sentenced to prison. But because Trump is a wealthy white man, he has managed to evade any sort of criminal liability. In 2015, he violated the Cuban embargo by doing business with a Cuban military-owned company. In 2016, he violated campaign finance laws as mentioned above by paying hush money to two women with whom he had affairs. In 2017, he obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey. And in 2018, he violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as mentioned above. In June of 2019, it was revealed that Trump had directed his then-attorney Michael Cohen to commit campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump. This led to Trump being indicted on two counts of felony campaign finance violations by the Southern District of New York. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison on each count.
These are just some of the instances in which Trump has committed crimes since 2015. If you or I had committed any one of these crimes, we would have been convicted and most likely gone to jail. But because Trump was a president, he has so far been able to avoid any criminal liability. That's not to say he hasn't faced any legal challenges; he has been sued numerous times for civil violations. But when it comes to criminal charges, Trump has so far been able to avoid any accountability. The Many Crimes of Donald Trump Over His Lifetime Over the course of his lifetime, Donald Trump has been accused of numerous crimes. These include sexual assault, racism, bigotry, and money laundering for Russian oligarchs. And yet, somehow, he has managed to avoid any sort of criminal liability for these crimes. As voters, we have a duty to hold him accountable for his actions. We cannot let this stand.
The Sexual Assault Allegations Donald Trump has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women. These allegations date back to the 1980s, and they continue up to the present day. In 2016, the audio recordings of Trump bragging about assaulting women were released, and yet he still denied all of the allegations against him. It is clear that Trump does not take sexual assault seriously. As president, he has attempted to roll back protections for survivors of sexual assault on college campuses. He has also nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the fact that Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault himself. This sends a clear message that Trump does not believe survivors of sexual assault and that he does not think that sexual assault is a serious crime. The Racism and Bigotry Allegations Trump has also been accused of racism and bigotry multiple times throughout his life. He was sued in 1973 by the Justice Department for refusing to rent apartments to black people. In 1989, he took out full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers who were accused of raping a white woman in Central Park. The teenagers were later exonerated by DNA evidence, but Trump still refused to apologize for taking out the ads. As president, Trump has continued to display racist and bigoted behavior. He has referred to Mexican immigrants as "rapists" and "criminals." He has said that there were "very fine people" among the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. He has also repeatedly attacked NFL players who have knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality against black people.Trump's racism and bigotry are well-documented. And yet, he continues to deny any wrongdoing on his part.
The Money Laundering Allegations Trump is also accused of using his businesses to launder money for Russian oligarchs. In 2017, it was revealed that Trump's real estate company had received $13 million from a Russian oligarch who was under investigation by the FBI for money laundering. The oligarch had purchased four units in Trump's SoHo hotel-condominium building through a shell company set up by Cohen. This is just one example of many instances where Trump's businesses have been used to launder money for Russian criminals. And yet, Trump continues to deny any wrongdoing on his part. Donald Trump is a criminal who has committed numerous crimes over the course of his lifetime with no consequences. As voters, we have a duty to hold him accountable for his actions and ensure that he is brought to justice. We cannot let this stand any longer—enough is enough!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Economy Is A Very Temporary Thing

The economy is a very temporary thing, it can go up and down depending on outside forces. We are seeing this now with the moves Russia and Saudi Arabia have made. The comments by Jamie Diamond have also made an impact. This is a worldwide problem right now, but at least the Democrats are doing what they can to ease the pain. In many countries around the world, that is not the case. The economy can be fixed, but losing our democracy is much harder to do. Once it is gone, we will not be able to turn it back on like a switch. The Republican Party Is Unwilling To Go Against The NRA
The gun deaths in Republican states are high because the NRA has a lot of power and influence. Republican lawmakers are unwilling to go against them, so they turn a blind eye to the slaughter. If Republicans gain control, we already lost on the abortion issue do you really think they will stop at that? Make no mistake, Republicans are in bed with the NRA and right-wing billionaires and they will do whatever it takes to keep them happy. The writing is on the wall, my friends. We must not let the Republicans take over or we will lose our democracy as we know it. They are already chipping away at it, little by little. They have stacked the courts with conservative judges who have overturned Roe v Wade and took away a woman's right to choose. They have passed voter ID laws that make it harder for people of color and low-income people to vote. They have gerrymandered districts to give themselves an advantage in elections. If we don't stop them now, they will succeed in their ultimate goal - taking over the country and turning it into an autocracy where only their voices are heard and everyone else falls in line or faces punishment. The Republican Party has been moving steadily towards authoritarism for years now. They have been eroding democratic norms and institutions bit by bit, and they have shown time and again that they are more than willing to put their own interests ahead of those of the country. If they gain control, there is a very real possibility that they will ask for a constitutional convention, which would allow them to rewrite the rules in their favor and solidify their hold on power for good or until there is a revolution that overthrows them. To think it can never happen here is juvinile. Losing Our Democracy Is Much Harder To Do Than Fixing The Economy
The economy can be fixed, but losing our democracy is much harder to do. Once it is gone, we will not be able to turn it back on like a switch. The Democratic Party is doing what they can to ease the pain, but in many countries around the world, that is not the case. We must focus on this and make sure that Trump and his cronies do not get their way. We cannot let this happen. We must vote in November and every election after that until we get rid of every last Republican lawmaker who is trying to destroy our democracy. They have shown us time and time again that they cannot be trusted with power. They are corrupt, incompetent, and dangerous. So yes, we need to be worried about the economy. But we also need to be worried about losing our democracy. We cannot let Republicans gain control or we could find ourselves living in an autocratic state where our rights and freedoms are taken away from us. The economy is a very temporary thing, but losing our democracy is much harder to do. The Democratic Party is doing what they can to ease the pain, but in many countries around the world, that is not the case. We must focus on this and make sure that Trump and his cronies do not get their way. Republican lawmakers are unwilling to go against the NRA, so they turn a blind eye to the slaughter. If Republicans gain control, they will ask for a constitutional convention which could easily lead to the repeal of the Second Amendment. Make no mistake, Republicans are in bed with the NRA and they will do whatever it takes to keep them happy. Losing our democracy is much harder to do than fixing the economy—once it's gone, we will not be able to turn it back on like a switch—so we must fight tooth and nail to protect it.

Right-Wing Billionaires Are Trying to Rewrite the Constitution—We Can't Let Them

For the last 40 years, right-wing billionaires have been working to rewrite the Constitution. They are now closer than ever to achieving their goal. We cannot let them succeed. What They're Doing Right-wing billionaires are funding organizations that are working to promote a constitutional convention. A constitutional convention is a meeting of delegates from all over the country who would come together to rewrite the Constitution. This is a dangerous proposition for many reasons. First and foremost, it would be a highly undemocratic process. The delegates would not be elected by the people; they would be chosen by state legislatures, many of which are controlled by Republicans. This means that the delegates would not be representative of the American people as a whole. Second, there is no guarantee that the delegates would limit themselves to just amendments. They could completely rewrite the Constitution, which would put our most basic rights and freedoms at risk. The right to free speech, freedom of religion, and even the right to vote could all be eliminated. And third, a constitutional convention would be a breeding ground for corruption. With so much power concentrated in one place, it would be ripe for special interests and lobbyists to hijack the process for their own gain.
We Cannot Let Them Win We cannot allow right-wing billionaires to rewrite the Constitution. We must fight back against their attempts to subvert our democracy. Here's how: First, we need to pressure state legislatures to reject any calls for a constitutional convention. We must make our voices heard and let them know that we will not stand for this undemocratic power grab. Second, we need to support organizations that are fighting against a constitutional convention, such as Common Cause and Free Speech For People. These groups are on the front lines of this battle and they need our help. And finally, we need to work towards overturning Citizens United, the Supreme Court ruling that opened the floodgates for unlimited corporate money in politics. Until we do that, billionaires will continue to have an outsized influence on our political process.
Right-wing billionaires are trying to subvert our democracy by rewriting the Constitution. We cannot let them succeed. We must fight back against their attempts to hijack our government for their own gain. Only by coming together and raising our voices will we be able to protect our rights and freedoms from their attacks.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Seniors, Beware! Medicare Advantage Plans A, B, and C are a Rip-Off

Seniors, Beware! Medicare Advantage Plans A, B, and C are a Rip-Off
If you're a senior citizen on Medicare, you may have been approached about enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan. These plans, also known as Part C plans, are offered by private insurance companies as an alternative to Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). While they may sound like a good deal, beware! In many cases, these plans are a rip-off. What is Medicare Advantage? Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private insurance companies as an alternative to Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). These plans must provide at least the same coverage as Original Medicare, but many offer additional benefits such as prescription drug coverage, dental care, and vision care. Some even offer gym memberships! Sounds great so far, right? Unfortunately, there's a catch. While Original Medicare is run by the government and funded by our taxes, Medicare Advantage plans are run by for-profit insurance companies. That means that they're motivated by one thing: making money. How do they make money? By charging seniors higher premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. In some cases, these charges can be so high that seniors end up paying more out-of-pocket than they would with Original Medicare. And what do they get in return? Often times, less coverage! Many Medicare Advantage plans have narrow networks of doctors and hospitals that seniors must use. If seniors need to see a doctor or specialist outside of their network, they may have to pay the entire bill themselves. Who wants to pay higher premiums, co-pays and deductibles? Not me! That's why when the time comes I'm shopping for an Original Medicare plan. But what if there was a way that we could get all the benefits of Medicaid without having any strings attached... Source: https://the-biggestannelrightnowonlinecom/blog/20180110_Medicare Advantage Plans Are The Only Option For Many Americans
Is There an Alternative? Yes! We're all in this together. When it comes to our health, there's no one-size fits all solution that works for everyone--especially not Medicare Advantage plans which have been cropping up as an alternative option among frustrated seniors looking outside of traditional fee based healthcare coverage due their dissatisfaction with high costs and limited benefits packages offered by private insurers I know what you’re thinking: "But wait!" You may be wondering if these single payer systems are really better than buying privately? Well, lets take a look. 1. Single payer systems are more efficient because they remove the need for insurance companies 2. A single payer system would provide everyone with coverage, which is something that our current system does not do 3. A single payer system would reduce administrative costs 4. A single payer system would be more equitable because it would eliminate the need for co-pays and deductibles 5. A single payer system would improve our overall health because people would have access to preventive care The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country. Yet we're worse off when it comes to coverage and access; one out of five people don't have insurance, while prices are sky-high for those who do! It's time that Americans take action: single payer is the answer our broken system needs now more than ever before in order provide quality care without discrimination against anyone including seniors or individuals with preexisting conditions. What I am finding after looking into this is that in many cases, Medicare Advantage plans are a rip-off, I had heard Thom Hartmann mention it on his show, but I wanted to do my own dive into it. While they may sound like a good deal, the extra benefits offered by these plans come at a cost. In many cases, seniors who enroll in these plans end up paying more out of pocket for their health care than they would if they had stayed with Original Medicare. If you're approached about enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan, beware! Do your research and make sure you understand all of the costs and benefits before making a decision. And remember, if you have any questions or concerns, you can always talk to your doctor or contact your local Area Agency on Aging.