Sunday, May 7, 2023

Federally Legalize Cannabis Enough is Enough!

The current Federal Housing Rules regarding cannabis are outdated, archaic, and can lead to serious problems. Not only do they force people outside of their homes to smoke cannabis in public areas, but this can have a detrimental effect on the community. This is especially disconcerting in neighborhoods where there are children present—people should not be smoking weed around kids or exposing them to its effects. The war on drugs has been an utter failure and the results of it have been far more damaging than beneficial. People who choose to use marijuana recreationally should not be forced into crowded public spaces to become intoxicated; this is both irresponsible and dangerous for those individuals as well as the people around them. Furthermore, forcing people out of their homes can lead to an increase in street dealers and drug-related crime in federal housing areas. It's time for Congress to wake up and recognize that current cannabis prohibition laws are outdated and detrimental to society. Legalizing marijuana on a federal level would not only give people the freedom to enjoy consuming it safely within their own homes, but it would also lessen the criminalization of its use—which has had disastrous consequences throughout minority communities across America. It is essential that lawmakers take steps toward reforming these outdated rules so that all individuals can have safer access to cannabis without having to risk potential harm or legal repercussions. It is high time for Congress to act on reforming the Federal Housing Rules regarding cannabis if we want our society to move forward with progressive change. The criminalization of marijuana has had devastating effects on minority communities across America and it’s essential that lawmakers take steps toward creating a safer environment for those who choose to consume it. It’s up to the government to make sure that individuals can use cannabis safely within their own homes without risk of potential harm or legal repercussions. The archaic rules must be updated and amended if we want a better future for cannabis users take action, legalize marijuana federally, and create a better future for all. ​​​​​​​ #cannabis #people #community #environment #change #future #legal #housing #society #mentalhealthawareness #psychedelictherapy #psychedelicscience #psychedelicmedicine

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Offensive Noises in your Home Can Hurt You!

The effects of prolonged exposure to offensive noises and sleep disturbances on our brains and bodies can be devastating. In my own case, I was subjected to such noise for a prolonged period of time, and it eventually caused me to have a nervous breakdown. My doctor prescribed three weeks of rest as treatment and, despite this, I was then returned to the same source of offensive noise. This seemed insane—I had been given no chance or opportunity for any kind of recovery from the physical and mental trauma that these noises had inflicted on me. Unfortunately, bureaucracy meant that there was little recourse open to me in addressing this issue. The landlord had taken over five months to repair the unit I had moved into which suggested it hadn't been ready to be leased in the first place. This prolonged exposure to offensive noises doesn't just cause stress and sleeplessness but can also lead to more serious sleep disorders such as micro-arousals each time the noise happens, resulting in a decrease in deep sleep as well as R.E.M. (Dream) sleep. Research has demonstrated that without sufficient restorative deep sleep, our bodies are unable to repair themselves properly and so can become increasingly vulnerable to physical and mental health issues. This becomes even more dangerous if there is repeated exposure to noise disturbances. Ultimately, this experience highlights an urgent need for better protection against such offensive noise. It is simply unacceptable that people should be left exposed to such damaging environmental conditions with no way out other than to suffer in silence. If changes aren’t made soon, then more people may find themselves in a similar situation as I did. With this in mind, it is essential that agencies, landlords, and other related authorities recognize the need to not only take effective action when complaints are made about offensive noise but also ensure that any environmental improvements needed to resolve the problem are implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible. Better yet make sure the unit or home you are leasing is fit to be occupied. This will enable individuals to receive the necessary protection they deserve and avoid putting them through further unnecessary distress. It is time we all stand up against this kind of injustice and make sure our voices are heard! Ultimately, it is essential that we all take a stand against this type of injustice and make sure our voices are heard! It is time for agencies, landlords, and other related authorities to recognize the need to not only take effective action when complaints are made about offensive noise but also ensure that any environmental improvements needed to resolve the problem are implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this way, individuals can be guaranteed the necessary protection they deserve and avoid putting them through further unnecessary distress. So, let’s raise our voices together and demand better standards for people that lost the game of capitalism. The elderly, the working poor, the disabled, and those that were hurt either from COVID-19 or like me, I had an allergic reaction to the vaccine. So, these folks will never again have to suffer in silence due to prolonged exposure to offensive noises. We owe it to ourselves, our communities, and most importantly those that are too afraid to speak up! Let’s take a stand together and make sure our voices are heard!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Equity Skimming, Predatory Loans, & Homelessness

The exploitation of the working poor by wealthy individuals is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. While many people may think only Billionaires are guilty of such practices, this is not necessarily true. A prime example of this type of exploitation comes in the form of predatory lending. This occurs when lenders target individuals with lower incomes and charge them much higher interest rates than they would typically offer someone with better credit or a larger income. Loansharking is another form of financial exploitation. In this instance, lenders will lend large sums of money to small business owners that have no hope of paying it back on time or at all. They do so knowing full well that if their borrower cannot make payments, they can seize their assets and sell them off for a profit. Equity skimming is also becoming increasingly common, particularly in the wake of the 2008 housing crisis. In this case, wealthy individuals will buy properties at a discounted rate from desperate homeowners who are facing foreclosure and then rent or resell them for a much higher price than what was originally paid. This practice leaves people vulnerable to homelessness as they no longer have any equity in their homes and often can't afford to purchase new ones. It's clear that predatory lending, loan-sharking, and equity skimming are all forms of exploitation that must be addressed if we wish to stop wealthy individuals from exploiting the working poor. Not only do these practices prevent deserving people from achieving financial stability, but they also contribute to the widening of the income gap and further entrench poverty. It's time for governments, lenders, and individuals alike to work together to create a fairer economic system that doesn't disproportionately benefit those at the top.

Profits! But At What Cost?

Real estate manipulation is not a new phenomenon. Wealthy individuals have been using their influence and money to buy up property for generations, driving prices up and making it difficult or impossible for average citizens to purchase homes. However, recent reports paint an even more disturbing picture of the housing market, where billionaire investors are allegedly employing real estate agents as fronts in order to buy up all available inventory, thus driving prices even higher. This has raised significant concerns about equity in the housing market and whether or not normal people can still afford to purchase a home. It is important to remember that while some wealthy individuals may be actively manipulating the housing market, this does not mean that everyone with means is engaging in such unethical practices. The vast majority of real estate agents are still committed to helping people find homes worth living in, and county housing authorities continue to work with local governments to provide assistance for those that need it. Even if the market is being manipulated by a select few, there are still opportunities for everyone else to purchase a home. Ultimately, the manipulation of the housing market reflects much larger issues of inequality in our society. It underscores the importance of creating policies that ensure fairness and equity so that all citizens can have access to safe, affordable housing. Going forward, it is essential that we continue to investigate reports of real estate manipulation while also developing solutions that will make sure everyone has an opportunity to own their own home regardless of economic background or wealth. By taking proactive steps to ensure fairness in the housing market, we can make sure that everyone has a chance at the American dream of owning their own home. In doing so, we can create a better and more equitable society for everyone.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Wasted Time and Money Needs to Stop!

Redundancy and the day-to-day bureaucracy in our government agencies is a major issue that must be addressed if we are to truly move forward with providing basic human needs. This issue affects all levels of government, from federal to state and county, small and large cities. And even in small towns, I think maybe it hits the hardest because they have to deal with the day-to-day bureaucracy of the County, who has to deal with the States, who has to deal with the Federal government where different departments within a single agency may not be aware or understand what other departments are doing. As a result, funds can be wasted on inefficient bureaucratic processes due to miscommunication and lack of follow-up. We need a huge upgrade before any money is spent. In order to solve this problem, will take effort from both the public and private sectors. The public sector should lead by advocating for better communication between various levels of government when it comes to funding programs related to housing, food, medical assistance, and other core necessities. Improved data-sharing protocols should also be implemented to increase efficiency and transparency. Really this should be done agency-wide, it's time for an upgrade. On the private sector side, but even more so on the public side, businesses or agencies should strive to stay abreast of current government policies related to these issues. This will minimize unnecessary spending on repairs just because it’s in a budget or projects that do not ultimately add value to the communities they serve. Furthermore, research should be conducted into what this redundancy is costing us so that effective solutions can be identified and implemented. Ultimately, addressing the issue of redundancy within our government agencies is essential if we are to provide basic human needs efficiently and cost-effectively. While both public and private sectors have a role to play in resolving this problem, greater collaboration between different levels of government is required in order for progress to be made. Especially since there is a lot of money coming for badly needed upgrades to our crumbling infrastructures across this nation. Maybe we need to seriously trim down some of these departments. I hate to see people lose jobs, but then again I had a hospital job that was basically digitized from analog and then basically replaced with technology. I re-trained and moved on. With artificial intelligence today many of these positions can be replaced, especially in areas where human bias might play a part in decision-making. You can program whatever application not to have any biases, or the opposite just as easily. So obviously there will need to be over-site. But not departments within departments on top of departments that have departments just to fix the issues caused by all the redundancy and the day-to-day bureaucracy. In conclusion, it is clear that the issue of redundancy and the basic day-to-day bureaucracy in government agencies needs to be addressed in order to provide basic human needs more efficiently and cost-effectively. Improved communication between different levels of government and increased transparency are key components in resolving this issue. Furthermore, businesses & agencies should stay aware of current policies and research should be conducted into what this redundancy is costing us so that effective solutions can be identified and implemented. Addressing this problem will require collaboration from all sectors involved but if successful, could have a significant positive impact on our communities.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Natural Psychedelic Plant Medicines, The medical & pharmaceutical industry is noticing, will they ruin it?

The fear of Big Pharma and the FDA ruining natural psychedelic plant medicines is not without merit. Colorado and Oregon have taken significant strides in the legalization of natural psychedelics, but even still, there are concerns about how these plants could be co-opted by Big Pharma for their own economic gain. It's important to note that while these states have made great progress in normalizing access to a variety of plant-based psychedelics, they also have strict regulations in place regarding what types of products can be sold, who is allowed to use them, and where they can be consumed. The potential pitfalls associated with the commercialization of natural psychedelics cannot go ignored. Natural psychedelics may become exclusively available as prescription medications once put under the purview of Big Pharma, creating a system by which only those who can afford the cost of prescriptions can access them. Additionally, if natural psychedelics are over-regulated, their potential therapeutic benefits may be limited within the clinical setting. Ultimately, it is up to consumers to ensure that these plant medicines remain in their original form and out of the hands of corporate interests. It's important to understand how Big Pharma and the FDA could impact the landscape of psychedelic use and make sure that any efforts taken toward legalization are mindful of this potential danger. Natural psychedelics should be respected as sacred medicines and not allowed to become another way for companies to make money off people’s suffering.​​​​​ ​​​​​​ In Oregon and Colorado, natural psychedelic plant medicines are becoming increasingly accepted by their respective governments. Both states have taken steps towards decriminalizing psilocybin, the main psychedelic compound found in so-called “magic mushrooms”. In 2020, Oregon became the first US state to decriminalize the substance while Colorado followed suit with Proposition 122 a few months later. In Colorado Proposition 122 does not allow for the sale of psilocybin. Rather, it allows Coloradans to possess and use it as well as grow the mushrooms from which it’s extracted without fear of prosecution and to be able to share these substances at cost. Additionally, this bill provides a framework for how mental healthcare professionals can legally incorporate psilocybin into therapeutic practices. The fact that two US states are now decriminalizing psilocybin is a major milestone in the movement toward greater acceptance of natural psychedelics. This shift has been welcomed by many people who believe that these substances can have positive impacts on mental health, creativity, and self-discovery. With Oregon and Colorado leading the way, we can expect more states to follow suit in the near future. It is clear that the tides are turning with regard to natural psychedelic plant medicines. Colorado and Oregon have taken bold steps towards decriminalizing psilocybin, giving people greater access to this powerful tool for personal growth. It will be interesting to see how other states respond to these changes and if there will ultimately be a shift in the legal landscape of psychedelics throughout the US. Personally, I believe it will and we are already seeing other states taking action. Just like I predicted with Cannabis in 2009 it will be the same with psychedelics, it will have a domino effect from state to state. To learn more about the law in Colorado and Oregon regarding psilocybin, please consult your local government or visit the website of a psychedelic advocacy organization such as the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) or Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). It is important to stay informed and understand the legal complexities associated with these substances. With proper education and understanding, we can move forward toward a healthier, happier society. By empowering people to explore the potential of natural psychedelics, we can create a world where mental health and well-being are prioritized.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

A Warning for the New Psychedelic Rennaissance!

For centuries, indigenous peoples around the world have held a deep and profound relationship with psychedelics. Shamans and healers have utilized plant-based psychedelics for their spiritual, therapeutic, and medicinal qualities—and yet, despite this vast knowledge of how to use these substances safely and effectively, modern Western culture has largely ignored the teachings of traditional shamans in favor of scientific research into synthetic derivatives of psychedelics. The consequences of this dismissal are dire: while science can provide us with cutting-edge tools to help us better understand psychedelics' potential benefits and harms, we stand to miss out on some crucial aspects when they are studied outside of the cultural contexts in which they were born. Indigenous cultures offer invaluable insight into the ethical and spiritual implications of psychedelics, and ignoring their teachings—or worse, attempting to appropriate them—serves only to deepen the scars of colonialism. Moreover, Indigenous people have an intimate knowledge of their respective natural ecosystems; this means they can provide detailed information about which plants are safe for consumption and how best to prepare them. This understanding has been perfected over generations and is critical in ensuring a safe psychedelic experience. Indigenous cultures also offer guidance on topics such as setting intentions prior to ingesting psychedelics, integration techniques following the trip, and ethical considerations when working with plants from nature's pharmacy. In our current era of psychedelic renaissance, it’s essential that we look to Indigenous peoples for wisdom about these ancient medicines. We must recognize the value of Indigenous cultures and make sure that any advances made in psychedelic science don’t come at their expense. Only by respecting Indigenous knowledge, rights, and traditions can we ensure a safe, ethical path forward for psychedelics. By doing so, we stand to benefit greatly from unlocking the healing potential of plant-based psychedelics while upholding Indigenous sovereignty. Doing anything less would be to our own peril.