Sunday, March 19, 2023

Natural Psychedelic Plant Medicines, The medical & pharmaceutical industry is noticing, will they ruin it?

The fear of Big Pharma and the FDA ruining natural psychedelic plant medicines is not without merit. Colorado and Oregon have taken significant strides in the legalization of natural psychedelics, but even still, there are concerns about how these plants could be co-opted by Big Pharma for their own economic gain. It's important to note that while these states have made great progress in normalizing access to a variety of plant-based psychedelics, they also have strict regulations in place regarding what types of products can be sold, who is allowed to use them, and where they can be consumed. The potential pitfalls associated with the commercialization of natural psychedelics cannot go ignored. Natural psychedelics may become exclusively available as prescription medications once put under the purview of Big Pharma, creating a system by which only those who can afford the cost of prescriptions can access them. Additionally, if natural psychedelics are over-regulated, their potential therapeutic benefits may be limited within the clinical setting. Ultimately, it is up to consumers to ensure that these plant medicines remain in their original form and out of the hands of corporate interests. It's important to understand how Big Pharma and the FDA could impact the landscape of psychedelic use and make sure that any efforts taken toward legalization are mindful of this potential danger. Natural psychedelics should be respected as sacred medicines and not allowed to become another way for companies to make money off people’s suffering.​​​​​ ​​​​​​ In Oregon and Colorado, natural psychedelic plant medicines are becoming increasingly accepted by their respective governments. Both states have taken steps towards decriminalizing psilocybin, the main psychedelic compound found in so-called “magic mushrooms”. In 2020, Oregon became the first US state to decriminalize the substance while Colorado followed suit with Proposition 122 a few months later. In Colorado Proposition 122 does not allow for the sale of psilocybin. Rather, it allows Coloradans to possess and use it as well as grow the mushrooms from which it’s extracted without fear of prosecution and to be able to share these substances at cost. Additionally, this bill provides a framework for how mental healthcare professionals can legally incorporate psilocybin into therapeutic practices. The fact that two US states are now decriminalizing psilocybin is a major milestone in the movement toward greater acceptance of natural psychedelics. This shift has been welcomed by many people who believe that these substances can have positive impacts on mental health, creativity, and self-discovery. With Oregon and Colorado leading the way, we can expect more states to follow suit in the near future. It is clear that the tides are turning with regard to natural psychedelic plant medicines. Colorado and Oregon have taken bold steps towards decriminalizing psilocybin, giving people greater access to this powerful tool for personal growth. It will be interesting to see how other states respond to these changes and if there will ultimately be a shift in the legal landscape of psychedelics throughout the US. Personally, I believe it will and we are already seeing other states taking action. Just like I predicted with Cannabis in 2009 it will be the same with psychedelics, it will have a domino effect from state to state. To learn more about the law in Colorado and Oregon regarding psilocybin, please consult your local government or visit the website of a psychedelic advocacy organization such as the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) or Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). It is important to stay informed and understand the legal complexities associated with these substances. With proper education and understanding, we can move forward toward a healthier, happier society. By empowering people to explore the potential of natural psychedelics, we can create a world where mental health and well-being are prioritized.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

A Warning for the New Psychedelic Rennaissance!

For centuries, indigenous peoples around the world have held a deep and profound relationship with psychedelics. Shamans and healers have utilized plant-based psychedelics for their spiritual, therapeutic, and medicinal qualities—and yet, despite this vast knowledge of how to use these substances safely and effectively, modern Western culture has largely ignored the teachings of traditional shamans in favor of scientific research into synthetic derivatives of psychedelics. The consequences of this dismissal are dire: while science can provide us with cutting-edge tools to help us better understand psychedelics' potential benefits and harms, we stand to miss out on some crucial aspects when they are studied outside of the cultural contexts in which they were born. Indigenous cultures offer invaluable insight into the ethical and spiritual implications of psychedelics, and ignoring their teachings—or worse, attempting to appropriate them—serves only to deepen the scars of colonialism. Moreover, Indigenous people have an intimate knowledge of their respective natural ecosystems; this means they can provide detailed information about which plants are safe for consumption and how best to prepare them. This understanding has been perfected over generations and is critical in ensuring a safe psychedelic experience. Indigenous cultures also offer guidance on topics such as setting intentions prior to ingesting psychedelics, integration techniques following the trip, and ethical considerations when working with plants from nature's pharmacy. In our current era of psychedelic renaissance, it’s essential that we look to Indigenous peoples for wisdom about these ancient medicines. We must recognize the value of Indigenous cultures and make sure that any advances made in psychedelic science don’t come at their expense. Only by respecting Indigenous knowledge, rights, and traditions can we ensure a safe, ethical path forward for psychedelics. By doing so, we stand to benefit greatly from unlocking the healing potential of plant-based psychedelics while upholding Indigenous sovereignty. Doing anything less would be to our own peril.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

5-MeO-DMT & DMT Both Recently Decriminalized here in Colorado & Oregon

The world of psychedelic medicine has recently seen a surge in the popularity of two substances: 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine) and DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine). Both of these psychedelics have been used for thousands of years by many cultures throughout the world and are now being explored as potential treatments for treatment-resistant depression. Here are five key benefits of 5-MeO-DMT and DMT when it comes to treating depression: *Fast Acting - 5-MeO-DMT is known to cause a rapid onset of effects and can be active within 5-10 minutes. This makes it a great choice for those who are looking for immediate relief from their depression symptoms. DMT also has a fast onset of action, however, the effects can last up to 6 hours or longer. *Long-Lasting Effects - While 5-MeO-DMT’s effects usually only last around 30 minutes, the effects of DMT can last up to 24 hours or even more depend on how much is taken and the individual’s tolerance level. This prolonged duration allows users to explore and experience the depths of their subconscious minds, which is beneficial in treating long-standing issues such as depression and anxiety. *Non-Addictive - Both 5-MeO-DMT and DMT are non-addictive substances, meaning that users can take them without the fear of becoming dependent on the substances. This is a huge advantage over other traditional depression treatments such as antidepressants, which can be highly addictive and cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when stopped abruptly. *Low Toxicity - Both 5-MeO-DMT and DMT have low toxicity levels compared to many other psychoactive substances. This means that they are safe to use in therapeutic settings and are not likely to cause any long-lasting physical or mental harm if used responsibly. They also do not interact negatively with alcohol or other drugs, making them a great choice for those looking for an alternative treatment for depression. Overall, both 5-MeO-DMT and DMT are powerful substances that have been used for thousands of years to treat various psychological ailments such as depression and anxiety. They are non-addictive, have low toxicity levels, and can produce long-lasting effects which make them great options for those looking for an alternative treatment. With further scientific research, these substances could prove to be a viable and effective option for individuals struggling with treatment-resistant depression. So if you are in need of some relief from your depression symptoms, then 5-MeO-DMT or DMT may just be the answer! References: 1. 2. 3. 4. https:// DMT 5. 6. /chemicals /dmt / 7. https://www .frontiersin .org /articles /10 .3389 /fpsyt .2020 .00194 /full

The Healing Powers of Mescaline

Mescaline is a psychedelic drug that has been used for centuries by Indigenous people in healing ceremonies and spiritual journeys. It is found in certain cacti, such as the San Pedro, and can produce powerful psychedelic experiences. In my own life, I experienced the unique healing effects of mescaline from taking pure synthetic form as a youth. In this post, I will share my story of how mescaline helped me cope with the stress, and anxiety of childhood sexual trauma, which we now know as PTSD. I was not having very good results while in therapy as a child, so eventually, I started to self-medicate. If only we had psychedelically trained therapists, back then. Recently, there has been an awakening of interest in the healing properties of mescaline due to the unique effects it produces. We may not always associate psychedelics with healing, but when used responsibly, mescaline can have incredible potential for aiding people in overcoming a variety of mental and emotional issues. A Personal Experience with Mescaline My story begins back when I was in my youth. At that time, I had access to pure synthetic mescaline at an incredibly affordable price - just one dollar! This was an amazing opportunity to explore the effects of this powerful psychedelic without breaking the bank. Although I didn't understand the significance of this at the time, I quickly became aware of how different and powerful its effects were compared to other substances like cannabis which were more readily available or LSD. With each dose, I experienced intense laughter and joy, vivid colors, thoughts I had never considered before, and a deep connection to nature that seemed unparalleled by any other drug or activity, except LSD but different in so many ways, but much like LSD it felt like every object around me was connected in some way with me and I with it.
The Healing Qualities of Mescaline Although my experience with mescaline was largely recreational in nature at the time, it has made me ponder its potential therapeutic benefits. Could mescaline be used as a form of therapy for those struggling with mental health conditions or addiction? For example, would it be able to help those suffering from depression or anxiety find relief from their symptoms? Or could it be used to break through psychological barriers that make it difficult for individuals to overcome addiction or trauma? It wasn’t until much later in my life that I began to understand the powerful potential of mescaline for healing purposes. Research has shown that psychedelics like mescaline can be extremely beneficial in treating issues related to mental health, such as depression and anxiety disorders. Studies have also shown that they can be effective at helping people overcome addictions, even Bipolar disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These studies suggest that there is a significant amount of therapeutic potential associated with psychedelics when used correctly and under proper supervision. Mescaline's Therapeutic Potential Although more research is needed before these questions can be answered definitively, the initial findings suggest that mescaline may indeed have therapeutic potential. Studies have indicated that when taken in low doses (e.g., less than 200 mg), mescaline can produce feelings of euphoria and well-being while also reducing symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, some researchers believe that higher doses can lead to profound spiritual awakenings which can provide lasting relief from emotional distress and spiritual stagnation. Sustainability Concerns In addition to its therapeutic benefits, it’s important to note that we need to take steps toward ensuring the sustainability of these plants so they can continue being harvested for centuries to come. Peyote is one such plant from which mescaline is derived; however, due to overharvesting by non-Indigenous peoples who are unaware of its traditional use among Indigenous communities, or simply do not care, these plant species are now threatened with extinction in many areas where it naturally grows. For this reason, it is important for us all to educate ourselves on the responsible use of these plants and their associated compounds so we can ensure their continued availability in the future. In other words LEAVE PEYOTE ALONE!
Spirituality For centuries, mescaline has had a profound effect on spirituality. Historically, God was considered an ineffable being, existing everywhere and nowhere, too mysterious for the human mind to comprehend. I certainly never believed there was a god until very recently. Mescaline helped me to open up giving me an understanding of God, allowing me to feel closer to the divine without the need for traditional western forms of religion which I rejected as a child. I had a spiritual awakening and revelations that I never expected. God became something tangible and accessible to me. Spiritual seekers have long seen this as one of the most attractive aspects of taking mescaline - providing access to God Himself without any external obstacles standing in their way. Mescaline has been a God-given gift that allows us to access spirituality. As one of the most potentially powerful psychedelics humans have interacted with, mescaline is capable of revealing an inner vision and giving the user access to what God has created. For me, recently experiencing this hallucinogen helped me open myself up to God's fullness, connecting me with a feeling of joy intermingled with peace and security, no fear of punishment, just love. Mescaline provided me with an enlightening glimpse into the infinite power of the Universe that made anything possible! This powerful impact on people's understanding of spirituality has spanned centuries and still impacts our understanding today. The effects of mescaline thus show how our search for God transcends multiple beliefs and ideologies as we discover the divine within ourselves. Why Scientists Are Interested In The Therapeutic Benefits Of Mescaline In recent years, scientists have become increasingly interested in researching the therapeutic potentials of psychedelics like mescaline due to their ability to help treat mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, etc. Studies have already shown that psychedelics have significant anti-addictive properties which could potentially be used as an alternative treatment option for those suffering from substance abuse disorders or other addictions such as gambling or sex addiction. While much more research needs to be conducted before any definitive conclusions can be made regarding the therapeutic potentials of psychedelics like mescaline, initial studies are promising and offer hope for those seeking relief from mental health issues without relying on traditional medications with their often severe side effects. As I have mentioned several times now, Mescaline has been used by Indigenous people for centuries in healing ceremonies and spiritual journeys; however, it wasn't until recently that scientists began looking into its potential therapeutic benefits. My own experiences with pure synthetic mescaline showed me just how powerful the effects can be—from vivid colors that appear brighter than usual to feeling connected with nature in ways never before imagined—it's no wonder why scientists are trying to unlock its secrets! Hopefully, we can continue learning more about this powerful psychedelic drug so that those suffering from mental health issues can find relief. Let us remember though not to forget about respecting sacred plants like peyote so they may continue being harvested by indigenous peoples for generations to come! This is just my opinion but I feel unless you are invited to a peyote ceremony, just leave Peyote alone, please! In conclusion, while psychedelics like mescaline still remain largely misunderstood throughout society today, research suggests they possess immense therapeutic potential when used correctly and safely under expert guidance. While more research needs to be conducted on these compounds before they become widely accepted. Hopefully, future studies will reveal even more about this fascinating substance so we can continue exploring its healing powers for generations to come! All things considered, it’s clear that psychedelics like mescaline hold vast amounts of promise for our collective healing journey moving forward into tomorrow’s world.
Mark Rose