Friday, November 4, 2022

What Are the Dangers of Not Calling Fascism by Its Name?

The Dangers of Not Calling Fascism by Its Name In the past few weeks, there has been a lot of talk about the dangers of "fascism" in the United States. But there's one group of people who are still refusing to acknowledge the very real threat that fascism poses to our democracy: the press. For too long, the press has been downplaying the dangers of fascism, calling it a "denial" of reality instead of what it really is: an ideology that seeks to undermine and destroy democratic institutions. This is exactly what fascists did in Italy, Spain, and Germany in the early 20th century, and we cannot let history repeat itself. The press has a responsibility to call out these dangerous activities for what they are, and to hold those who are promoting them accountable. Words matter and the press needs to start using them correctly if we're going to stop the rise of fascism in America. In case you haven't been paying attention, fascism is on the rise. No, this is not hyperbole; fascists are openly and actively working to subvert democracy and establish an autocratic regime. And the press is not helping. For months now, politicians and their supporters have been pushing the false narrative that the election was rigged, and then downplaying the use of violence. This is exactly what fascists did almost 100 years ago in Italy, Spain, and Germany. Our precious Fourth Estate is really letting us down by not calling out these activities for what they are: fascist propaganda designed to undermine faith in democracy.
We don't have to repeat history; these are supposed to be intelligent people that work in the news industry. Words matter and journalists know it. So why aren't they using their platform to call out these dangerous activities? Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about whether or not to call election deniers "fascists." On the one hand, this is an accurate description of their beliefs and actions. On the other hand, some people believe that this is too inflammatory and will only serve to further divide the country. So, what's the right thing to do? How Fascism Works Fascism is an ideology that is anti-democratic and anti-individualistic. It seeks to create a totalitarian state in which all aspects of life are controlled by the government. Fascism promotes violence and bigotry as a means of achieving its goals, and its followers are typically willing to use any means necessary to achieve their objectives. Fascists typically target minority groups as scapegoats for society's ills, and they often use propaganda and misinformation to further their agenda. They also seek to control the media and silence dissent. All of these tactics were employed by fascist regimes in Italy, Spain, and Germany in the early 20th century, and they are being used again today by those who seek to undermine democracy in America.
Why the Press Matters The press plays a vital role in democracy, and it has a responsibility to report on events accurately and fairly. However, in recent years, there has been a trend among some members of the press to downplay the danger of fascism. This needs to stop. The Dangers of Normalizing Fascism By normalizing fascism, the press is effectively giving them a free pass to continue their subversion of democracy. This cannot be allowed to stand. We cannot let history repeat itself. We must be vigilant in calling out fascism whenever and wherever we see it.
Fascism relies on a few key tactics to gain power and control over a population: disinformation, propaganda, and violence. By spreading disinformation and propaganda, they aim to sow discord and division among the populace. And when that doesn't work, they resort to violence. We've seen all of these tactics employed by Trump and his supporters along with foreign governments over the past four years. And we cannot allow them to get away with it any longer. There is no easy answer to this question. On the one hand, it is important to call out dangerous and extremist beliefs for what they are. This is especially true when those beliefs could lead to violence or other harm. On the other hand, using such charged language could further inflame tensions and make it harder to find common ground. We must call out dangerous beliefs for what they are, but we must also be mindful of the consequences of our words. We must find a way to bridge the divide, not widen it. It's worth noting that this isn't just a theoretical debate; similar discussions are happening within the news industry right now. Journalists are struggling with how to cover politicians and their supporters who are still pushing Donald Trump's narrative that the election was rigged. Should they be called "fascists"? "Deniers"? Something else entirely? Call Them What They Are: Fascists!
It's time to stop normalizing fascism and start calling it what it is: a dangerous, anti-democratic activity that must be stopped. The press has a responsibility to its audience to report the truth, and part of that truth is calling out these politicians and their supporters for the fascists they are. We cannot let history repeat itself; we must be vigilant in calling out fascism whenever and wherever we see it. Only then can we hope to stop it from taking over our country. That means the press needs to start calling out these dangerous activities for what they are and hold those who are promoting them accountable. Words matter and the press needs to use them correctly if we're going to stop the rise of fascism in America. How else can people know? People that are so busy trying to survive and support themselves and their families that they need reliable news to make correct decisions. Only by doing so can we protect our democracy from those who seek to destroy it. We must call out dangerous beliefs, but we must also be mindful of how our words can further inflame tensions. We must find a way to bridge the divide, not widen it if that is possible at this point in time.

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