Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Desantis & Abbott Political Pawn Scandal by Mark Rose

In what can only be seen as a political stunt gone wrong, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have been caught red-handed using human beings as political pawns in their quest to own the Libs. The two governors flew a group of refugees to Martha's Vineyard, using taxpayer money to do so, thinking that the people would be disgusted. But instead, the people took the refugees in with open arms.
Now, it seems that DeSantis may have broken some laws in the process, specifically kidnapping laws. This whole fiasco is sure to backfire come November, when there will be a blue wave of voters who are fed up with this type of politics. And it'll only get worse in 2024, when even more young people see through the game and vote for change. It's time for the Republican party to get rid of their Mega ideology or they'll wind up in the dustpan of history along with other failed parties. Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman is already organizing a third party for those who are leaving the Republicans.
The details of the scandal are still emerging, but here's what we know so far. On Monday, August 24th, 2020, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott held a press conference at the Tallahassee International Airport announcing that they would be flying a group of refugees to Martha's Vineyard. The stated purpose of this was to help relieve overcrowding at migrant facilities along the southern border. 

However, many suspect that the real reason behind this was to score political points with their base. After all, what could be more owning of the Libs than flying a group of refugees to one of the most exclusive vacation spots in the country? Not to mention that they used taxpayer money to do so. 

When asked about the cost of the flight, DeSantis responded by saying "I don't know, we'll figure it out." Well, it turns out that the cost was $185,000 and was paid for by Florida taxpayers. Some have even accused DeSantis of kidnapping, as he did not consult with any local officials before flying the refugees into town. 

But it seems that DeSantis and Abbott didn't anticipate just how compassionate Americans could be. Instead of being disgusted by the sight of refugees, people welcomed them with open arms. Volunteers helped them get settled into their temporary housing and started raising money to help them get back on their feet. Local businesses donated food and supplies. It was a beautiful display of humanity at its best. 

This whole debacle is sure to backfire come November, when there will be a blue wave of voters who are fed up with this type of politics. And it'll only get worse in 2024, when even more young people see through the game and vote for change. Republicans need to wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late. Their Mega ideology is not sustainable in today's political climate. former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman is already organizing a third party for those who are leaving the Republicans. If they don't make some major changes soon, they'll wind up in the dustpan of history along with other failed parties.



Friday, September 16, 2022

The Decline of American Journalism and What it Means for Our Democracy by Mark Rose


Decline of American Journalism and What it Means for Our Democracy

In recent years, there has been a lot of handwringing about the state of the American press. Critics argue that corporate consolidation has led to a homogenization of the news, that "fake news" is on the rise, and that journalists are under assault like never before. While it's certainly true that the media landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, it's important to remember that a free and independent press is essential to any functioning democracy. It's no secret that a handful of corporations own most of our press. In the 1970s, there were hundreds of independent radio stations. Today, not so many. We used to have the fairness doctrine, requiring that every opinion aired be balanced with an opposite opinion. The news used to be news, not entertainment. But what happened? In this blog post, we'll look at some of the challenges facing American journalism and what can be done to protect this vital institution.

The Answer is Two-Fold

The answer is two-fold. First, deregulation. In the 1980s, the Reagan administration began deregulating the media industry, paving the way for corporate consolidation. This allowed a few giant companies to buy up hundreds of smaller ones, resulting in the current situation where just a handful of corporations control the majority of our media outlets. Second, and more insidiously, is something called the "financialization" of the media. 

In short, this is the transformation of media organizations from being primarily concerned with producing quality journalism to being primarily concerned with making money for their shareholders. This has led to major cutbacks in newsrooms across the country, as well as a race to the bottom in terms of both quality and accuracy. As a result, we are left with a situation where a small number of companies control most of our information sources, and where profit is prioritized over serving the public interest. 

The Spread of Misinformation 

Another problem facing the American press is the spread of misinformation. Thanks to social media, it's now easier than ever for false or misleading information to go viral. Once something gets shared enough times, it starts to take on a life of its own, even if it's not actually true. This can be incredibly damaging, especially when coupled with people's confirmation bias (the tendency to seek out information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs). One of the most common complaints leveled against the press is that "fake news" is on the rise. While it's true that there has been an increase in intentionally misleading or fabricated news stories in recent years, much of this can be attributed to the fact that anyone with a computer and an internet connection can now publish whatever they want, without having to go through any kind of editorial process. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as "the democratization of information." While this increased access to information is generally seen as a good thing, which I myself am taking advantage of, but it does have its downside. 

The Decline of Local Journalism 


In addition to all of this, there has been a decline in local journalism in recent years. As advertising revenues have declined, many local newspapers have been forced to cut back on their coverage or close their doors entirely. This is problematic because local journalists are often the only ones holding elected officials accountable and shining a light on what's really going on in our communities. When local newspapers disappear, we all suffer. 

It's clear that American journalism is facing some significant challenges in the 21st century. However, it's also clear that a free and independent press is more important than ever before. In order to protect this vital institution, we need to support journalists and demand accountability from our elected officials. Only then can we hope to ensure that our democracy remains strong.

This is not a healthy situation for democracy. When just a few companies control what we see and hear, it leads to a situation where those companies can easily manipulate public opinion for their own benefit. This is why it's so important that we have a free and independent press. Unfortunately, thanks to deregulation and corporate greed, that is no longer the case.

 It’s time to take our democracy back. We need to get active, write our elected officials, and demand change. The press is failing us miserably and it’s up to citizens like you and me to make sure we have a fair and unbiased fourth estate. Our country depends on it. Have you written your elected officials about the state of the press? The state of the press in our country is concerning. We need to take action and demand that our elected officials do something about it. Please make sure your voice is heard. Democracy depends on a free and fair press- without it, we are headed down a dark path. It’s time to break up the big cable companies, make information free, and get citizens more involved in the press. We need to bring back the fairness doctrine and elect officials who will fight for our right to have access to truthful information. The health of our democracy depends on it!  

                                                                                      by Mark Rose

America is in trouble and we need to act now by Mark Rose


America is in trouble and we need to act now

It's no secret that America is in a bit of trouble right now. We're facing down a recession, our infrastructure is crumbling, and inequality is at an all-time high. But there's hope! With the right leadership, we can turn things around. That's why I'm calling on President Biden to appoint Larry Summers as the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Who is Powell and Why is He in Charge of the Fed? 

Jerome Powell is the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He was appointed to this position by President Donald Trump in 2018. Why Biden reinstated him is beyond me! Prior to his appointment, Powell was a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. He has also served as an advisor to several private equity firms. In other words, he's a career banker. And like most bankers, Powell is more concerned with making money for himself and his friends on Wall Street than he is with helping ordinary Americans. 

Powell's policies as Chairman of the Fed have been disastrous for American workers. He has raised interest rates several times, despite strong evidence that doing so would hurt our economy. These rate hikes have made it more difficult for businesses to expand and hire new workers. They've also made it harder for families to afford things like mortgages and car loans. All of this has contributed to the current recession we find ourselves in. 

Who's Next?

Larry Summers is one of the most qualified people in the world to lead the Fed. He's a Nobel Prize-winning economist, he served as Secretary of the Treasury under President Clinton, and he was a key advisor to President Obama during the financial crisis. He knows how to navigate a downturn, and he's not afraid to make tough decisions. That's exactly what we need right now.

Under Chairman Summers, the Fed would pursue an aggressive policy of quantitative easing in order to jumpstart the economy. In addition, he would support raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy in order to fund much-needed programs like infrastructure investment and universal healthcare. And finally, he would push for CEO compensation reforms to help reduce inequality.

My Dream Solution to America's Economic Woes 

My solution if I could snap my fingers and change things todays would be this: raise wages for all employees, corporations taxed back to a 55% again. For too long, CEOs and other corporate execs have been raking in obscene amounts of money while their workers have seen their wages stagnate or even decline. It's time for a change. 

By raising wages across the board, we would increase spending power for American consumers. This would give our economy a much-needed boost and help us avoid future recessions. And by taxing corporations at a higher rate, we would bring in much-needed revenue that could be used to fund things like infrastructure projects and social programs. American families deserve nothing less. This may not happen in my lifetime but I hope it does for my family's sake.

Are these bold policies, sure but they're exactly what America needs right now. We can't afford to wait any longer - we need to act now if we want to avoid a full-blown recession. So let's get behind Joe Biden and give him the chance to lead us out of this mess.

President Biden has a crucial decision to make, and I hope he makes the right one. I think we need someone like Larry Summers at the helm of the Fed if we're going to get America back on track. So let's show our support - write your congressman, tweet your support using #LarryForFedChairman, and most importantly, vote! Only together can we create the America we know is possible.

                                                                                          by Mark Rose

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

How Ketamine Therapy is Changing My Life for the better! by Mark Rose

When I was first prescribed ketamine therapy for my PTSD, anxiety, and chronic pain, I was skeptical. I had tried so many different medications and treatments, and none of them had worked. But I was desperate, so I decided to give it a try. And I'm so glad that I did.

The Ketamine therapy that I am in is a series of six sessions, unless you want a booster which is recommended once a month. Cannabis has a dulling effect on ketamine, so I stop using it 48 hours before I get injected. And I'm glad that I do, because that ketamine experience was one of the most profound experiences of my life. As Phil Lesh said on 60 minutes in 1967 "The more people that turn on the better world it will be,” I cannot agree more!

During the sessions, I feel like I am floating on a cloud. All my worries and fears melt away, I feel at peace. When the sessions are over, I always feel like a new person. My angry outbursts are almost all gone, my anxiety has been considerably lessened, and chronic pain isn't ruling my life like it was anymore. 

I am so impressed with ketamine therapy that I started recommending it to all of my friends who were dealing with similar issues. And many of them have had the same life-changing experiences' that I did. If you're struggling with PTSD, anxiety, or chronic pain, I urge you to give ketamine therapy a try. It just might change your life too. Statistics show that ketamine is an effective treatment for depression. Ketamine helps to create new pathways in the brain, and it has been shown to be effective in treating chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Ketamine is covered by insurance and Colorado Medicaid, and it is an FDA-approved medication. Ketamine has been shown to be safe and effective in clinical trials, and it is a well-tolerated medication. Ketamine is a promising treatment for those with mental health disorders, and it is an important tool in the fight against depression.

Ketamine has been used in hospitals as an anesthetic for many years, however, its use as treatment for depression is relatively new. ketamine was first trialed as a treatment for depression in 2006 and the results have been extremely promising. In a study of ketamine's effects on patients with major depressive disorders, it was found that 70% of patients who received ketamine injections had significant improvements in their symptoms within 24 hours. In comparison, only 30% of patients who received placebo injections showed any improvements. These statistics are stunning and suggest that ketamine could be a game-changer in the treatment of depression. ketamine seems to work by increasing levels of a neurotransmitter called glutamate, which is involved in learning and memory. This increases brain activity and creativity, two things that are often lacking in people with depression. For me personally, ketamine has been a godsend. Not only has it helped to improve my mood, but it has also helped to improve my memory and focus, it even improved my understanding of music. I feel more creative and productive than I ever have before, and I am so grateful to have ketamine as part of my life.

Ketamine therapy changed my life in ways that I never thought possible. If you're struggling with PTSD, Bipolar, Anxiety, or Chronic Pain, Ketamine Therapy just might be able to help you too.

                                                                                                        by Mark Rose  
