Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Desantis & Abbott Political Pawn Scandal by Mark Rose

In what can only be seen as a political stunt gone wrong, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have been caught red-handed using human beings as political pawns in their quest to own the Libs. The two governors flew a group of refugees to Martha's Vineyard, using taxpayer money to do so, thinking that the people would be disgusted. But instead, the people took the refugees in with open arms.
Now, it seems that DeSantis may have broken some laws in the process, specifically kidnapping laws. This whole fiasco is sure to backfire come November, when there will be a blue wave of voters who are fed up with this type of politics. And it'll only get worse in 2024, when even more young people see through the game and vote for change. It's time for the Republican party to get rid of their Mega ideology or they'll wind up in the dustpan of history along with other failed parties. Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman is already organizing a third party for those who are leaving the Republicans.
The details of the scandal are still emerging, but here's what we know so far. On Monday, August 24th, 2020, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott held a press conference at the Tallahassee International Airport announcing that they would be flying a group of refugees to Martha's Vineyard. The stated purpose of this was to help relieve overcrowding at migrant facilities along the southern border. 

However, many suspect that the real reason behind this was to score political points with their base. After all, what could be more owning of the Libs than flying a group of refugees to one of the most exclusive vacation spots in the country? Not to mention that they used taxpayer money to do so. 

When asked about the cost of the flight, DeSantis responded by saying "I don't know, we'll figure it out." Well, it turns out that the cost was $185,000 and was paid for by Florida taxpayers. Some have even accused DeSantis of kidnapping, as he did not consult with any local officials before flying the refugees into town. 

But it seems that DeSantis and Abbott didn't anticipate just how compassionate Americans could be. Instead of being disgusted by the sight of refugees, people welcomed them with open arms. Volunteers helped them get settled into their temporary housing and started raising money to help them get back on their feet. Local businesses donated food and supplies. It was a beautiful display of humanity at its best. 

This whole debacle is sure to backfire come November, when there will be a blue wave of voters who are fed up with this type of politics. And it'll only get worse in 2024, when even more young people see through the game and vote for change. Republicans need to wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late. Their Mega ideology is not sustainable in today's political climate. former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman is already organizing a third party for those who are leaving the Republicans. If they don't make some major changes soon, they'll wind up in the dustpan of history along with other failed parties.



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