Monday, October 31, 2022

The Billionaires Have Bought Our Government and We Are All in Danger

I am so angry right now. I can't even think straight. I am so sick and tired of the billionaires buying our government. I am so sick and tired of hearing people say that their vote doesn't matter. That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my life. Your vote is your voice and if you don't use it, you are giving away your power to the billionaires who have already bought our government and are putting us all in danger. I am especially sick and tired of how they are doing it right now, as we see with the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband. We are seeing Fascism on full display in the year 2022 in the United States of America, are we going to let them win? Do you think that the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband was just a coincidence, a random intruder? Do you think that the Republicans are just going to sit back and just let this go, maybe even try and tone down the rhetoric? Hell no! They are already spreading rumors that it was a gay lover that attacked Mr. Pelosi. So we now see that they are going to use this as an excuse to further inflame the already volatile situation in our country. Republicans and the billionaires that own them are going to use this to try and divide us even more. We cannot let them succeed. We must all stand united against hate and bigotry. As many of us as possible must all stand together against those who would seek to destroy our democracy. It is absolutely disgraceful what is happening right now with the attack on Nancy Pelosi, and it was an attack on her, she was the target. First of all, let's just get one thing straight: this was an act of domestic terrorism. There is no other way to look at it. A man drove all the way from Maryland to California with the express purpose of attacking a member of Congress. He was motivated by the same hateful rhetoric that we have been hearing from Republicans for years about Nancy Pelosi. And what are Republicans doing about it today? They are engaging in "whataboutism." They are trying to excuse it by saying that Democrats have been violent too. They are still running attack ads against Nancy Pelosi, using the same inflamed speech that motivated this man to try to kill her. And Republican leaders are acting as if it is business as usual. Trump has been silent, of course. We have seen how he goes about protecting our leaders who are from the Democratic Party or even his own party - the man has no loyalty to anyone or any country only money! The Republican Parties What Aboutism? On June 14, 2017, a left-wing extremist walked onto a baseball field in Virginia, opening fire on politicians and wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and four others. Bernie Sanders immediately condemned the attack on Steve Scalise and called for unity. By contrast, Republicans have been quick to point fingers and play the blame game. They are still running attack ads against Nancy Pelosi, and their rhetoric shows no signs of abating. It's clear that they are more interested in scoring political points than in coming together as a country to heal our divisions. The Attack on American Democracy The attack on American democracy began long before Donald Trump ever announced his candidacy for president. For decades, wealthy special interests have been eroding our democracy by buying elections and controlling our politicians. They have used their money to influence the outcome of elections, to pass laws that benefit them at our expense, and to deregulation economic and environmental rules that protect us from their greed. As a result of this assault on our democracy, the needs of ordinary Americans have been neglected while the wealthiest Americans have grown richer and more powerful. In fact, the top 1% now owns more wealth than the bottom 90%. Meanwhile, corporations have been given free rein to pollute our air and water, ship jobs overseas, and drive down wages. The 2016 Election and Beyond The 2016 election was a wake-up call for many Americans who were unaware of just how much power billionaires have over our government. With the help of Russian interference and James Comey's letter to Congress, Donald Trump was elected president despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. Trump appointed billionaires and corporate executives to key positions in his administration. He also signed a series of bills that benefit the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. For example, he pushed through a tax bill that gives huge tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires while raising taxes on working families. He has also proposed drastic cuts to social programs like Medicaid and food stamps that help millions of Americans make ends meet. In short, Trump has done and is doing everything he can to make America great for the wealthy few while making life harder for everyone else. We cannot allow this to continue. We must fight back against this assault on our democracy and demand that our government represent all of us—not just the wealthy few. And we do that by voting anyone out of office that has any association to the MAGA movement. It's time for Americans to wake up and realize that our government has been hijacked by wealthy special interests. We must demand that our politicians represent all of us—not just those who can afford to buy elections. Only then can we begin to heal the divisions in our country and build a government that works for all of us. How the Billionaires Bought Our Government The sad truth is that our government has been bought and paid for by the billionaires who can afford to buy elections, this is nothing new, but to the degree it is happening today it is. They own the republican party outright, and yes, they also have a couple of democrats in their pockets too, and we cannot forget they control the media. The right-wing-billionaires have unlimited resources, and they are not afraid to use them to get what they want.
The only way for all of us to fight back is to vote. Violence is not the answer, but we cannot fear them either. When you do vote for candidates who will represent the interests of everyday people instead of the special interests of the wealthy few. Vote for candidates that will pass a bill to end “Citizens United,” Vote for candidates who will put principle over party. And most importantly, vote for candidates who will fight for a government that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few. This has to stop. We need to vote the billionaires out of our government and our lives and that means voting as many republicans out of office in November as we can to be able to take our country back from the oligarchs! I am so disappointed right now in many of my fellow citizens and I hope you are too. Some of these folks that fell for “Donald Trump’s MEGA Con Job” were lifetime friends & relatives, and those friendships and relationships with relatives and others went bad since Trumpism showed up in our politics, this has to stop. I'm going to vote Blue no matter who, we can sort out what is wrong with Democrats later, they are not trying to seize power at any cost, they are not giving aid and comfort to our enemies, they have not shown to be a danger to our democracy, so cleaning up the democratic party can wait! Because right now, this instant, we cannot wait when it comes to getting the MAGA crowd out of power they have put us all in danger. The world has become much more dangerous since Donald Trump came onto the world stage which caused the republican party to lose its collective minds. We need to vote as many republicans as possible out of office in November and take our country back! Please make sure you are registered to vote and that you vote blue on or before November 8th, our lives depend on it!

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